September 2024 President’s Message

National Organization of Minority Architects - New Mexico

Hello NOMA NM and Extended NOMA family!

It brings us great pleasure to announce that on August 11, 2024, after a vote of the NOMA National Executive Board, NOMA New Mexico was officially granted Professional Chapter Status. By this act, we are now formally recognized as the 45th chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects, and as the 9th West Region Chapter! 🎉 This significant accomplishment was made possible by support from NOMA Arizona, AIA New Mexico, AIA Albuquerque, Dekker, MASS Design Group, UNM SAAP, our local members and of course, YOU the incredible community of people currently reading this message. 2024 is just the beginning of our journey, and we look forward to impacting both our professional and broader local communities with our work.  

As part of our establishment, we generated local membership categories that align with NOMA National’s membership tiers. Simultaneously, we determined the local membership dues that will accompany each category. These dues will fund our chapter initiatives such as K-12 programs, as well as scholarships for the ARE and other professional certifications for emerging professionals. They will also support our future community service efforts and general chapter events. Because we know how important it is to support our future professionals, we’ve decided that local membership fees for students who join our professional chapter will only cost $5 per annum.

Finally, we held our 2025 Goal Setting Meeting on August 20, 2024. This meeting was a collective ideation exercise that started the important work of planning for the mission aligned initiatives that we will undertake throughout the next calendar year. Our discussion explored the means by which we can learn from and contribute to our various local communities, and how we can best support our professional colleagues. The following key themes emerged from the discussion and will continue to guide our planning efforts:

  • Empowering and respecting traditional/ ancestral knowledge in our communities;

  • Exploring neighborhood and community engagement practices that better incorporate community perspectives into our professions;

  • Collaborating with other professional organizations and New Mexico neighborhoods to provide workshops, seminars, and community service events;

  • Providing mentorship, scholarships, and other support for future professionals of all ages.

Link to Goal Setting Meeting Minutes. This planning will continue as a collective effort, and we welcome additional input. Please email us at to contribute to this critical process.  

Have a wonderful month, NOMA family. We hope to see you soon at our chapter establishment celebration!


Juan Dorado, AIA, NOMA - President-Elect

Ke Vaughn Harding, AIA, NOMA, LEED AP® BD+C - First Vice President-Elect

Nicole Shadoan, NCIDQ, NOMA - Second Vice President-Elect

We are NOMA New Mexico

Did you see us in August? From attending our August Potluck to MASS Design Group hosting our 2025 Goal Setting meeting, we were busy!


 Celina Brownotter

is one of the designers involved with ISAPD (Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning, & Design)’s art installation, “We Carry the Land”. You can find information about the project here.

Hosted by AIA’s Young Architects Forum, Ke Vaughn Harding and Dillon Romero were celebrated for becoming two newly licensed architects. Congratulations to you both on this monumental career achievement. 🎉 Thank you AIA New Mexico and Efrén Lopéz for hosting such an amazing black tie event.


Thank you to Brooke Manriquez and James Fitzsimmons with Arcadia who hosted us for AIA New Mexico’s 47th Annual Golf Tournament. We were able to help contribute our time and donate individual funds to UNM AIAS. 

Thank you to Nicholas Loya, Bell and McCoy, for your contributions in our future efforts, and attending several NOMA New Mexico events. Your continued support helps us build a stronger future. 

Please join us for a night of celebration Friday, September 27th at 5:30P at The Ranch, 2400 Desiderio Road Southwest Albuquerque, NM 87105. Bring friends, family members, and your professional colleagues — this event is open to both registered NOMA members and nonmembers.

Please RSVP on Eventbrite or by emailing

RSVP here

NOMA Annual Conference

We are soon approaching NOMA’s annual conference! This year's conference will be held in Baltimore, MD October 23-27,2024. Help us represent the Best Region by attending or volunteering. Learn more and register for the conference here.


To join NOMA officially, please visit the NOMA Membership Page. Upon arrival at the page, select the “Register Now!” button under “Are you ready to join the organization?”. This will open the member registration page where you may select the relevant membership category and continue with the registration process.

If you experience any issues with registration, have questions, or need additional information, please email us at

Help us spread the word! Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think would be a good fit for NOMA NM and follow us on Instagram below!

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Celebrating National Voter Registration Day - 2024


September 2024 Updates