NOMA New Mexico Mission

The mission of NOMA New Mexico is to provide a welcoming environment where the diversity of New Mexico’s communities is celebrated; where underrepresented groups in architecture and allied disciplines are empowered to thrive in their professional pursuits; and where the needs of minority groups are addressed through advocacy, design excellence and targeted acts of service.

In furtherance of this mission, NOMA New Mexico endeavors to:

a) Advocate for, and be a resource to those who are underrepresented in architecture and allied disciplines across New Mexico, regardless of socio-economic status, culture, language, race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age;

b) Undertake and facilitate mentorship for youth and emerging professionals, with a focus on increasing diverse representation in architecture and allied disciplines across New Mexico;

c) Promote the value of design excellence and professional growth through the provision of professional development opportunities relevant to a variety of career stages;

d) Increase awareness of the diversity and values of New Mexico’s distinctive cultural and natural heritage, the significance of the manifestation of its cultural heritage in both tangible and intangible form, as well as the value of their preservation and perpetuation.

e) Provide a sense of community for underrepresented people in architecture and allied professions through social initiatives that address their diverse interests, backgrounds and needs;

f) Work towards the improvement of situations affecting minority communities through dialogue, advocacy and collaboration with governmental and nongovernmental entities at the State and Local levels;

g) Be an inclusive platform where opinions and perspectives of minority groups are openly shared, with an emphasis on providing a platform for communities that are not usually involved in discussions that impact their wellbeing.

2024 Leadership

Juan Dorado


Ke Vaughn Harding

First Vice President-Elect

Nicole Shadoan

Second Vice President-Elect

Marisa Trujillo


Richard Martinez


Dillon Romero


Trupthi Panickor

University Liaison-Elect

Founding Members

Aastha Singh

Alexander Stone

Celina Brownotter

Efren Lopez

Erica Aragon

Garron Yepa

Kerstin Nyquist

Lisa DeMar

Lydia Uribe

Marissa Sanchez

Michaele Pride